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Discover the spirit of news in one place. The most sharper and dynamic style of reporting for our viewers www.barqnews.in considered as hub of prompt and professional reporting from Hyderabad. Launched in 2012 Barq news has played a vital role in providing prompt and accurate news to its viewers. In today’s era of information and communication technology every media house races to compete with each other, in such a competitive environment www.barqnews.in takes oath to deliver more meaningful news to its viewers like never before. A team of hard core professionals constantly caters to the requirements of its viewers.

  • Ameer Hussain Habeeb Chief Editor of Saaz e Deccan (Barq News - Managing Editor) ameerhussain223@gmail.com
  • Syed Ali Taher Abedi Editor Judicial Quest (Barq News - Editor in Chief) alitaher7214@gmail.com
  • Syed Mujtaba Hussain Jaffery Barq Owner & Founder of Barq News media_syed@yahoo.com